Sharon Theresa
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Bride Brite Production Shoot

Greetings Erica + Ryan,

Welcome to BETA. I have decided to give up my blog and move all of my content to my main website. From now on, rather than typing a password to access the information to view your initial information, you will receive a private link. A private link will only be accessible to the people you send the link. It is not searchable and your images are protected. Your high-resolution images will still live on my main server and you will need a password to access full galleries. I will give you more information as needed but for your current gallery this is how things will work.

First, as with any shoot, you will review your slideshow of the session before seeing your whole gallery:

Please let me know if anything looks off on the website since you guys are the very first clients to view your slideshow in this way. Next, you will receive the link to your full password protected gallery:

Bride Brite Production Shoot at Vow'd Nashville

Password: BB_Shoot_2020

For small shoots like this one, that will be most of the information you will need to view and download your images. For something larger, like a wedding, your information will be a bit more in-depth. Please feel free to let me know if anything looks off, something doesn't work on your mobile or anything else you think I should know. Let me know if you have any questions!

As always, it's such a pleasure working with you guys. If you need my contact information for Wedding Chicks here you go:

Sharon Theresa Wheaton




Instagram: @sharontheresawheaton


Hope you guys love the pictures. PS, I just told another one of my bride's for 2021 about Bride Brite. I'm glade we've been able to help each other out. Cheers to our continued success!